Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Pop Culture Things That Kids Of The 80s Will Need To Explain To Their Kids - Part One: MOVIES

"That stainless steel car with ridiculous gullwing doors does WHAT?!"

"Captain Kirk wasn't a muscular badarse but a flabby wigged guy in his late 30s in a girdle?!"

"Han shot FIRST?!"

"Why can Batman barely fit in his car?!"

"[INSERT REBOOTED 80s MOVIE] wasn't the original?!"

"Dolph Lundgren?! The Punisher?!"

"THIS is the first TRON movie?! Where's Daft Punk?!"

"Wait, Superman can fly but CGI wasn't used?!"

"Wait, this is The Karate Kid?! Where's Mr. Han?!"

"Who the hell is Reb Brown?! This isn't Captain America! It got a SEQUEL?!"

"Aliens is great! What the hell happened to the Alien franchise and James Cameron?!"

"...this is Indiana Jones, right? How did it get so bad after Last Crusade?!"

"This is the first Transformers movie?! Looks nothing like those other nine movies! It's animated!"

"Original trilogy Star Wars? You mean Episode One to Three right?"